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Samsung teamed up with Hip-Hop mogul Jay-Z to to liberate customised Android app likewise let let fans download his upcoming album for 100 percent free. The customised Manga Carta app became exclusively available to Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 2 users on Monday (June 24). The "Roll a Joint" app is not the only drug-related app created Buy App Reviews by FDP Gaming titles. They created Nose Candy Cocaine app and Roll a Bowl - both banned for your iPhone in Apple's App Store. Note: As of publishing this, Tweet Deck has released it's new Beta version generally.30 which actually covers a variety these issues I've stated. I'll be testing .30 shortly and will post my thoughts in the subsequent day Buy App Reviews Android. Chris: Making use of SEO tricks, link backs, good content, article submissions and blog comments. Often thing in terms of a review site is if you rave about an app the developers are typically willing to link to your site, hel...